Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Classic Children Literature – The Hobbit

The Hobbit is a fantasy type novel. This was written for children by the English author J. R. R. Tolkien. This book was published in 1937. This book got an award of the best juvenile fiction from the New York Herald Tribune. It is a world famous classic children literature. You can become interested to tell the story to your children. Then download online books by clicking on the following link. If there is a kindle in your home, then you can download the free kindle version from the Amazon site. They have huge collections of on line books. Many of such books online can be found for free from Amazon site.

In the story the journey starts from light hearted rural surroundings to more sinister territory. The author has presented the story in an episodic quest. There are specific creatures from Tolkien’s Wilderland in most of the chapters of the book. In the story Bilbo gains new level of wisdom, competence, and maturity. In the Battle of Five Armies the story of the book “The Hobbit” reaches its climax ……………. Download the free ebooks from the following to enjoy the story. If the readers do not like to read books on line, then purchase the hardcopy from the Amazon. All necessary links are given here.

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