Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Abraham Lincoln

President Abraham Lincoln

 Abraham Lincoln In the United states  he was the 16th president of the United states. He was serving from march 1861 until  in April 1865. He abolished skavery, preserved Union , Modernized economy and strengthened  federal government. He was in a poor family and in Illinois he was a self- educated lawyer. In 1846  he was elected to Congress  and the economy was rapid modernization by him  through tariffs,railroads and banks. In 1854 he returned to politics and he would successful law practice. He was a leader in the new Republican party  and it had  a statewide majority. In 1858 he spoke  against the slavery. He helped  permanently outlawed slavery  through the congress of Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. In 1864 he managed his own re-election of presidential election.
Early life

In 1809  12 February  he was born in Hardin County, Kentucky . He was Thomas Lincoln and Nancy Lincoln’s second child. In 1786 , Lincoin’s paternal grandfather had moved his family  from Virginia to Kentucky and  an Indian raid was killed by him. Lincoln’s father Thomas , looked on. Thomas was  left way. In 1831 he hired a new salem business man and by flarboat  he took goods from New salem to New orieans.  He back home by walking and witnessing firsthand.
Marriage and children
Lincoln was married to Mary to Mary todd in 1842, 4 November and she returned to New Salem. His wife was from a wealthy slave holding family who lived in Lexington, Kentucky. In 1843 their child Robert Todd Lincolns was born ,  in 1846 Edward Baker Lincoln , in December 21, 1850  Willie Lincoln was  born but died in February 20, 1862. He had the only son who live to adulthood  named Robert Todd  and he have children. In 1985 his great- grand son Robert Beckwith died. He was died in April 15, 1865 at the age of 56.

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