Friday, October 16, 2015

Allama Iqbal

Allama Igbal
 On 9 November 1877, Allama Iqbal was born.  He was a poet , politician , philosopher and barrister. His literary work most important in Urdu and Persian language . He was a national poet in Pakistan .He is also famous in India , Bangladesh and Srilanka. Asrar -e Khudi is his first poetry book. His other books are Payami Masriq, Ramuz - i Bekhudi ,  Zaburi -Ajam. Bali -jibHij Bangi-Dara , Armughane Hijaz , Zarbi- Kalim . His poetry very influential. In Pakistan his birthday is public holy day.  His father's name was Sheikh Noir Mohammad and was a tailor , not educated. His mother' s name was Imam Bibi and was a polite , humanitarian women. She helped the poors . He received his Masters of arts degree from Punjab university  at Labor in 1899. In 1906 he also received Bachelor of Arts degree from Trinity college , University of Cambridge .In1908 , he received Doctor of philosophy from Lugwig Maximilian University, Munich. In 1908 , he published his doctoral thesis Development of Metaphysics in Persia.
On 21 April, in 1938 , he died at Labor .

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