There are many kinds of fragrant flowers in the world like
Dianthus is a sweet, pink, white or red fragrant flowers. This is
evergreen clumps, gray- blue, grassy leaves. These are scented annuals, hardy herbs, seet- smelling bulbs, scented- leaf geraniums.
These are herbaceous perennials. These are annual or biennial. It’s leaves are
simple, opposite, mostly linear and glaucous grey- green to blue- green. These
are pinked margin and have five petals, pale to dark pink. The perennial pinks
have strong spicy fragrance.
Gardenia is a happy scented flower. It is called, the queen
of fragrant flowers. This is evergreen, heavily scented white rose- shape flowers
. These are blooming during the warm months. It is attractive for it,s glossy
green foliage. This grows in well-drained soil, in moist and has acidic ph. If
the soil is not acidic enough and the
plant will often develop yellow leaves. In cold- winter climates, gardenia is grown
as a houseplant. This is light shade, houseplant shrub. It’s height 8 to 20 feet and width 10
feet. It’s color is white and grows in summer and winter season . These are
collected for fragrance collection and for containers.
Nicotiana is the another kind ‘s of scented flower. This is
old fashioned flowers. It is sweet,
strong fragrance flower. At night, it’s scent spreads out in the air and become terrifically fragrant. These are very
attracting for hummingbirds. It’s another name is flowering tobacco because it has a cousin of the tobacco plant.
It has more colorful types and these are white- only types, taller that may 5
feet. For night gardens, these are ideal and most fragrant. These are grown in
well-drained soil, full sun and moist. These are light sun and annual type.
These 6 inches to 8 feet height and 2 feet wide. These have verities color such
as green, pink, red, white and blue in color. These are grown in summer season.
These are collected for good containers and for fragrance.
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